Compass for Tourists – Italian Arts guide: exhibits around the World


Art Exhibition Featuring Italian Photorealists STATE OF THE ARTS GALLERY 36 Pottinger Street, Central, Hong Kong In the framework of the “Italy 2012: Quality & Lifestyle” festival, “Stillness” will feature some of the most talented Italian photorealists’ artworks. Thanks to …Continua a leggere →



La Galleria Web Art di Treviso e la Galleria “Forme d’Arte” Venezia in collaborazione con l’Associazione Culturale “TANTARTE” di Treviso (organizzatore dell’evento) e con la galleria “FYR” Firenze e Shanghai, come ha già fatto nel 2005 con la mostra Shapes … Continua a leggere →

Venetian feelings


23-30 agosto 2012 Venetian feelings Italian contemporary art Presso FYR GALLERY Art Bund 111, Shanghai – Cina In collaborazione con: FYR Gallery (Firenze – Shanghai), Galleria Forme d’Arte (Venezia) e Galleria Web Art (Treviso)

Renaissance in Florence: Masterpieces and Protagonists

untill 04/30 2013


Date:July 6, 2012 – April 30, 2013 Venue:Gallery N16 The cultural ministers of China and Italy signed a Memorandum of Understanding on Promoting Cooperation on Cultural Heritage Protection in Rome in October 2010, in which an important issue is to … Continua a leggere →



Il dono di Dioniso.

Mitologia del vino nell’Italia centrale (Molise) e nella Grecia del Nord (Macedonia)


La Soprintendenza per i Beni Archeologici del Molise, in stretta collaborazione con l’Istituto italiano di Cultura di Salonicco e l’Ambasciata d’Italia in Grecia, il Museo Archeologico di Salonicco e la Regione Molise, presenta a Salonicco nella prestigiosa sede del Museo …Continua a leggere →



PhotoIreland Festival 2012:

Italian Identity Exhibition – 3rd – 31st July


Opening: 3rd July at 6pm | Migrations | Italian Institute of Culture, Dublin 2. A visual art exhibition of portraits that reflect the diversity of Italian identity in contemporary Ireland. Curated by Angela Tangianu, Director of the Italian Institute of … Continua a leggere →


Bruno Munari: My Futurist Past

Bruno Munari in his studio, 1949

Bruno Munari: My Futurist Past 19 September – 23 December 2012 Bruno Munari (1907-1998) played a pioneering role in the evolution of twentieth-century art and design, his work exerting an influence that stretched far beyond the borders of Italy. Munari … Continua a leggere→

In Astratto – Abstraction in Italy 1930-1980

Images, clockwise from above: Virginio (Gino) Ghiringhelli, Composition No. 5, 1934, Museo d’Arte Contemporanea di Villa Croce, Genoa (detail); Franco Grignani, Structural, 1965, Museo d’Arte Contemporanea di Villa Croce, Genoa; Mauro Reggiani, Composition No. 5, 1952, CAMeC – Centro Arte Moderna e Contemporanea, La Spezia; Raccolta Premio del Golfo; Agostino Bonalumi, White, 1967, Museo d’Arte Contemporanea di Villa Croce, Genoa.

In Astratto explores fifty years of innovation in Italian abstraction, and presents a comprehensive survey of the myriad approaches to the subject that emerged during the key period from 1930 to 1980. Abstraction developed in Italy out of the pioneering experiments … Continua a leggere →


Venus and Adonis Unveiled – Titian

10 july 2012 – 13 january 2013


This display will celebrate the conservation of Venus and Adonis, a painting produced by Titian’s workshop after the celebrated prototype painted by Titian for Philip II, King of Spain in 1554. The painting has been in storage since the early … Continua a leggere →

Mantegna to Matisse: Master Drawings from the Courtauld Gallery

October 2, 2012, through January 27, 2013


In keeping with its tradition of exhibiting masterworks from collections outside of New York, the Frick will present fifty-eight drawings from The Courtauld Gallery, London. This exhibition marks the first time that so many of the principal drawings in The … Continua a leggere →


Tiziano in Gran Bretagna

Fino al 19 agosto 2012 alla National Gallery, è possibile vedere il primo capolavoro del Tiziano: La fuga in Egitto. L’opera, che si ritiene essere uno dei suoi primi dipinti, è un lavoro ambizioso e innovativo. La scelta del soggetto ha permesso a Tiziano di mostrare le sue abilità nella … Continua a leggere →




Antico: The Golden Age of Renaissance Bronzes

May 1, 2012, through July 29, 2012

Pier Jacopo Alari de Bonacolsi, called Antico (c. 1460–1528), Apollo Belvedere, c. 1490, copper with partial fire gilding and silvering; base of bronze, 16 1/4 inches without base, Liebieghaus Skulpturensammlung, Frankfurt

The sculptor Pier Jacopo Alari de Bonacolsi (c. 1455–1528) acquired the nickname Antico (the antique one) for his knowledge of ancient art. Born in or near Mantua, he probably trained as a goldsmith. In his youth Antico traveled to Rome, … Continua a leggere →


The Classical Body

Schiaparelli e Prada: Conversazioni Impossibili, esplora le affinità sorprendenti tra Elsa Schiaparelli e Miuccia Prada, due stiliste italiane di epoche diverse. Ispirato da Miguel Covarrubias di “Interviste impossibili” per Vanity Fair nel 1930, la mostra presenta diverse conversazioni tra queste … Continua a leggere →


Mec-art, retrospettiva su Gianni Bertini a Zilina

Mec-art retrospective

Il 7 giugno si è aperta presso la Galleria Civica di Zilina (Slovacchia) la retrospettiva su Gianni Bertini, organizzata dall’Istituto Italiano di Cultura di Bratislava, in occasione della ricorrenza dei 90 anni della nascita di Bertini e dei 40 anni … Continua a leggere →



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